Honey for Sunburn: How Sweet It Is

Honey for sunburn is a surprising, yet impressive, addition to any first aid kit.

Ever spent a bit too long under the sizzling summer sun, soaking up the Vitamin D, only to feel the stinging aftermath of a sunburn?

If you’re nodding your head right now, let’s talk about a sweet little secret that comes right from the heart of nature – honey!

Does Honey for Sunburn Really Work?

Absolutely! And not just any honey, but Manuka honey.

It is harvested from the Manuka bush in New Zealand and Australia.

Potent antibacterial properties to help soothe sunburnt skin.

How It Provides Relief

Honey naturally decreases inflammation and swelling, bringing you instant relief.

It’s a natural humectant, which means it attracts and locks in moisture.

That sunburn won’t feel so dry and tight once honey works its magic.

➡️ Be sure to read Can You Get Sunburn in the Shade? 25 Best Tips!

It Helps Prevent Infection

Honey’s not just a great sweetener, it also helps to prevent infection.

Remember those antibacterial properties?

They ensure your sunburn, whether mild or blistering, doesn’t become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Speeds Healing

On top of that, honey speeds up the healing process. It provides nutrition to the tissue, helping it to repair and regenerate quicker.

It Moisturizes the Skin

Do you know what else? Honey seals in the good tissue fluid and keeps your skin hydrated.

This wards off the dreaded dryness and peeling that often follow a sunburn.

Prevents Scarring

The sweetness doesn’t stop there! Honey can also prevent scarring leaving your skin smooth and scar-free post-sunburn. And who doesn’t want that?

How to Use Manuka Honey for Sunburns

Apply raw Manuka honey, onto the sunburn or create your own At-Home Honey Remedy. Mix a spoonful of honey with aloe vera gel and apply it to the irritated skin.

➡️ See my recent article on How to Clean Sunscreen Off Car Interior

Manuka Honey vs Regular Honey

Manuka honey and regular honey differ in several ways. They include origin, nutritional properties, health benefits, taste, and cost.


Manuka honey is made by bees that pollinate the Manuka flower. This flower is native to New Zealand and blooms just 2-6 weeks per year.

Regular honey starts as flower nectar collected by bees. It gets broken down into simple sugars stored inside the honeycomb.

Nutritional Information

Manuka and regular honey have almost identical macros.

Both contain the same amount of calories, carbohydrates, and sugars, and neither has protein or fat.

For example, a 20g serving of manuka honey contains 70 calories, 16g of carbohydrates, and 16g of sugar.

Regular honey contains 64 calories, 17g of carbohydrates, and 17g of sugar.

Is Manuka Honey Better Than Regular Honey For Treating Sunburn?

Yes. Manuka honey is better because it has more of certain ingredients, like phenolic and methylglyoxal. These are special ingredients that help fight off bacteria.

Manuka honey also encourages our body’s healing cells to work better.

So, while all honey can help with sunburns to some extent, Manuka honey has special features that make it even better at helping our skin recover.

Why is Manuka Honey So Expensive?

Manuka honey is expensive because it is rare and only produced in Australia and New Zealand.

The flowers the bees collect the nectar from to make Manuka honey are from only blooms for a few weeks each year. so there is high demand for a limited supply.


Research shows that honey, especially Manuka honey from New Zealand, can be really important for health. This is because Manuka honey has more of certain chemicals, like phenolic and methylglyoxal, than other types of honey. These chemicals help Manuka honey fight off harmful bacteria better than regular honey, making it a kind of natural antibiotic.

Rick Huey

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