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Hotels Near Cheriton VA
Welcome to our Cheriton VA Travel Guide. It is located on the southern end of the VA Eastern Shore in Northampton County. This town is small in size, approximately 1 square mile in size, but has played a big role in the history of the Shore from when it was first settled.

The town of Cheriton is filled with numerous historical homes that date back to the late 19th century and early 20th century. If you enjoy marveling at historic architecture, this is the spot for you!
Join us are we explore more about this quaint community and learn why so many people have a fond attachment to this area.
Where is Cheriton VA?
Cheriton is located just off US13 on the southern portion of Delmarva. If you are looking for things to do in Cape Charles, Cheriton is on the opposite side of the highway.
Cheriton VA Map
Here are other towns you may be more familiar with and the distances they are from Chertion:
To the north
Chincoteague is 62 miles away.
Onley and Onancock are just over 30 miles away
To the south
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel is 15 miles away.
How to Get There
To get to Cheriton, use Route 13, which connects the Eastern Shore to the rest of Virginia. If you’re coming from any distance away, the closest major airports are the Norfolk International Airport in Virginia and the Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport in Maryland. From either airport, rental cars are available.
As previously noted, Cheriton plays a big part in the history of Northampton county. It has a rich history and is one of the oldest parts of the VA Eastern Shore. While the town itself was just incorporated in 1951, it was mentioned in several historical records dating back to the early 1600s.
Long before the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel was first opened in 1964 and 18-wheelers roared down highways, the railroad was the vital artery that connect towns on the Eastern Shore of VA to the mainland. The start of the railway date back to the late 1800s.
The New York, Philadelphia, and Norfolk Railroad Company traversed the ESVA from the Maryland line down to the Cheriton and Cape Charles region. This allowed for goods to be produced locally and shipped to larger cities, as well as serving as a conduit to receive goods back to the Shore. It would serve as a key element of the local economy for the next 100 years.
Today, several historical homes and buildings still exist in Cheriton, which add to the charm of this small, but historically rich community.
Things to Do
The town of Cheriton is quite small (1 square mile), so expectedly, the amount of activities within the town is limited. However, due to its close proximity to the water on both sides of the peninsula and nearby Cape Charles, visitors can easily find many things to do to fill the day.
Here are just a few fun things you may consider checking out during your time here”
1. Stroll Through the Town
There are several historical sites and structures worth seeing here. A few that are popular are the downtown area, seeing the beautiful gardens that many residents maintain, and sightseeing old churches, banks, and buildings.
2. Visit Downtown Cape Charles, VA
Cape Charles is a bustling tourist town during the summer months. Enjoy the day on the public beach, sampling delicious treats from several of the local bakeries, and renting bikes for a cruise through town.
3. Visit the Eastern Shore of Virginia Wildlife Refuge
The Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge is located in Northampton County, Virginia, just a few miles from Cheriton. It features over 1000 acres of undisturbed wetlands and is the perfect spot to see a wide variety of migratory birds. If you like hiking and the great outdoors, you will love spending the day here.
The general entrance fee is free, but there is a small fee to use the boat ramp.
Here is a free trail map to help you plan your daily excursion.
4. Spend the afternoon at Raccoon Island
For a truly unique outdoor experience, explore Raccoon Island. This remote beach and marsh flat is located at the far tip of Virginia’s Eastern Shore.
Raccoon Island is owned and managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.
The southern tip of Raccoon Island is open year-round for low-impact, recreational day use, such as bird watching, photography, primitive camping, and surf fishing. This is a sensitive natural resource. So if you plan on traveling there, be sure to follow all posted rules and regulations.
5. Go Fishing at the Kiptopeke State Park
Located just 9 miles away is the Kiptopeke State Park. If you are an avid angler or have one in your family, the park fishing pier offers access to incredible bayside fishing opportunities.
There is a small fee to fish here, $5 for adults and $3 for children. It is open 24 hours a day.
6. Dine at The Oyster Farm Seafood Eatery
Less than 4 miles away is The Oyster Farm Seafood Eatery. Situated just off the Chesapeake Bay, this restaurant offers breathtaking views and the freshest seafood you will find.
Places to Eat
All your nearby eating options here are either located along Route 13 or just across the highway in neighboring Cape Charles.
The good news is there are dining options to accommodate all taste buds. While you have access to some of the best seafood restaurants you will find anywhere, there are also plenty of options for the non-seafood lovers in the crowd.
Places to Stay
There are no hotels located within downtown Cheriton. However, you will find several lodging choices within Cape Charles and on Route 13, to the north and south.
As of 2021, the Cheriton VA population is 473.
Zip Code
The Cheriton VA zip code is 23316.
Since Cheriton sits between the Chesapeake Bay to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the weather here is relatively moderate.
While you can expect several hot and humid days during the peak of summer, there is always enough breeze to keep conditions from being extreme.
On average, the area receives just over 40 inches of rain per year, with August being the wettest month. Throughout the winter, you can expect to see 4 days of snow with minimal accumulation.
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